I co-founded IDENTITY AFRICA, a full-service advertising agency in Kigali, Rwanda. Our primary focus was on delivering Social Marketing, IEC, and SBCC materials. (IEC: Information, Education, and Communications and SBCC: Social and Behavior Change Communications)

We managed five of the largest brands in Rwanda for PSI, the largest NGO in Rwanda. These included two condoms, malaria medication, birth control, and water treatment. Tens of millions a year were spent on marketing, blanketing the country.

The health improvements in Rwanda gained international attention (click read more below). Our agency contributed to these drastic improvements.

Below are comparative statistics from 2003–10:



“Over the last ten years, Rwanda’s health system development has led to the most dramatic improvements of health in history. Rwanda is the only country in sub-Saharan Africa on track to meet most of the Millennium Development Goals. Deaths from HIV, TB, and malaria have each dropped by roughly 80 percent over the last decade and the maternal mortality ratio dropped by 60 percent over the same period.”

Neal Emery, The Atlantic


“Rwanda appears to be stemming the tide of the HIV/AIDS epidemic as health experts report that the HIV prevalence rate in this small East African nation has fallen below 3%…”

“The country has “dramatically” reduced the burden of HIV/AIDS by scaling up education and awareness programs, prevention activities and access to treatment.”

NCBI, 2011


“The number of confirmed malaria cases declined from an average of 35, 688 during 2000– 2005 to 8,517 in 2010, … [a] 76% decline…”

Malaria Journal, 2012


“The use of contraceptives went from 25 percent in 2008 to 45 percent in just three years.”

Steve Terrill, Agence France-Press


World Malaria Day


Each year we developed the Malaria Day campaign for the Rwandese government.


(Malaria program funding fluctuated year-by-year)
The Global Fund
U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) through
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
The World Bank
World Health Organization (WHO)
Department for International Development (DFID)


IEC/SBCC Materials including: Mass-Media Campaign, Photography, Billboards, Signage, Brochures, Posters.


Government of Rwanda / Population Services International

Nkoresha Agakingirizo
“I use a condom” Campaign


We introduce a campaign using famous Rwandese musicians advocating the use of condoms to help reduce the stigma surrounding them. The campaign was a hit. Liza stretching a condom in a sexy way was highly controversial, but effective.

Nkoresha agakingirizo (Nho-ray-shah Ah-gah-chin-jeer-ee-zoh) means “I use a condom.” The print at the bottom says “It is my right to protect myself.”


President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


IEC/SBCC Materials include: Mass-Media Campaign, Messaging, Jingle, Photography, Billboards, Signage, Brochures, Posters, Event Management, Gear Design, Print Procurement, Press Checks


Government of Rwanda / Population Services International

“I am not for sale” Campaign


SINIGURISHA is an anti-cross generational sex (CGS) campaign designed to empower youth to say no to sugar daddies and sugar mommies. Additional messages encouraged self-esteem and solidarity among youth.

SINIGURISHA translates to ‘I am not for sale’. Other messages include ‘Gifts don’t equal sex’ and ‘Say no to sugar daddy/sugar mommy’.

President Kagame was visibly moved at our SINIGURISHA campaign launch. When he went to speak to the 2,000 attendees and on national TV, he held up a condom in the air and declared ‘EVERYONE OF YOUR DAUGHTERS SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THESE IN THEIR PURSES!’.

We were blown away by his reaction. Up until 2006, we had to be very conservative with our condom ads with ineffective abstinence first messages. Bit-by-bit, year-by-year, we pushed the envelope.



President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


IEC/SBCC Materials including: Mass-Media Campaign, Messaging, Jingle, Photography, Billboards, Signage, Brochures, Wristbands, Post Cards, Wristbands, Event Management, Gear Design, Print Procurement, Press Checks


Government of Rwanda / Population Services International

We suggested producing latex wristbands with the message I am not for sale. Wristbands with messages were popular at the time, but Rwanda had never seen them. We also suggested attaching them to a postcard with a message. PSI distributed one hundred thousand of them to Rwandan Youth. Everyone wanted one.

With no local professional models available, we used ordinary people. Rwandese are very reserved on camera. It was always a challenge to get them to express the emotions we needed. As you can tell from my expression, I am having a ball. I don’t think there is anything I enjoy more than styling photoshoots.

“TALK TO ME” (about sex) Campaign







Rwandan culture did not encourage open dialogue about sex and sexuality. Lack of knowledge put the youth at risk for HIV, STDs, and unplanned pregnancy.

The WITEGEREZA (Don’t Wait) Campaign encourages parents to talk to their kids about sex. Some of the messages were Talk to Me About Sex, No Means No, and Teach Me How to Use a Condom.


Four key messages unfolded successively over six months on a national scale. We used a multimedia approach, including billboards and educational materials.

The government strategically synchronized initiatives with the campaign, including Parent/Child debates on television and radio.
Parents attended community events and intensive communication training.

Campaign post-evaluation revealed a shift in beliefs about Parent/Child Communications. Parents and children (exposed to one or more channels of the campaign) agree with the following key messages:

1. A good parent talks to their child about sex while the child is still young.
2. Talking to youth aged 10-15 about sex, sexuality, and relationships is important.
3. Children aged 12-14 should be taught how to use a condom.



President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
German Financial Development Cooperation (KfW)
Department for International Development (DFID)


IEC/SBCC Materials including: Mass-Media Campaign, Messaging, Jingle, Photography, Billboards, Signage, Brochures, Posters, Event Management, Gear Design, Print Procurement, Press Checks


Government of Rwanda / Population Services International

Premium Studded Condoms


We introduced studded condoms to the high-end market because of the stigma associated with the existing condom brand.

PLAISIR was an instant success and accompanied a rollout campaign including Rwanda’s 1st ever coin-operated condom machine for bars.


President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
German Financial Development Cooperation (KfW)


Product Development including Marketing Strategy, Distribution Strategy, Target Segmentation, Model Search, Photography, Packaging, Point of Sale (POS), Coin Operated Condom Machine Design, Bar Matts, Bar Aprons, T-Shirts

Social Marketing including Mass-Media Campaign, Messaging, Jingle, Photography, Billboards, Signage, Brochures, Posters, Gear

Additional Condom Materials:

IEC/SBCC Materials including Mass-Media Campaign, Messaging, Jingle, Photography, Billboards, Signage, Brochures, Posters, Event Management, Gear Design, Print Procurement, Press Checks

For all: Event Management, Campaign Launches, Print Procurement, and Press Checks


Government of Rwanda / Population Services International

Coartem malaria medication
country specific repack


An over-the-counter malaria medication was introduced to combat high malaria rates. The design solution had to accommodate a population with a low literacy rate.

We designed the packaging as a single piece with a roll-fold so that instructions could not be lost. Picture code instructions were built into the design so that anyone could understand how to take the medication.

The packaging was so successful that it was adopted in nine other countries and picked up by The Clinton Foundation.


U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) through
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
The Global Fund

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Product Name, Logo Design, Packaging, Jingle, Radio Spots, Print Design, Web Design, Copywriting, Gear Design, Print Procurement, Press Checks. We also developed non-branded IEC/SBCC malaria materials.


Rwanda: Government of Rwanda / Population Services International

Tanzania: The Clinton Foundation

Confiance Contraception Pill


PSI introduced the first subsidized, over-the-counter birth control into the market in 2005. For the next five years, we launched intensive IEC and SBCC campaigns. Contraception use rose from 17% (2005) to 52% (2010). How a taboo topic became priority number one.


United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)


Product Name, Logo Design, Packaging, Jingle, Radio Spots, Print Design, Web Design, Copywriting, Gear Design, Print Procurement, Press Checks. We also developed non-branded IEC/SBCC malaria materials.


Government of Rwanda / Population Services International

Safe Water Campaign


While water may be treated at collection points, it can be contaminated on the way home. Sûr’Eau was introduced but not very popular.

We made the bottle design more appealing and redesigned the branding. We introduced the concept of branded picture coded ABS signs at all water collection points to promote the product and proper usage.


United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


Logo, Bottle, Label, Billboards, Brochures, Leaflets, Posters, POS Signage, PVC Usage Signage (at water collection points), T-shirts, Umbrellas, Kitenge’s, Vehicle Wraps


Government of Rwanda / Population Services International

Masaka Farms


Every once in a while, our agency volunteered to help a small project unable to afford our services. Masaka Farms was a new income-generating project that introduced Italian cheeses to Rwanda and other dairy products to Rwanda. They grew quite large, employing many people.


Tagline, Brand Development, Copywriting, Labels, Packaging, Signage, Recipes


Masaka Farms